Wednesday, December 10, 2008


So yesterday I had my last test in psychology. Well when I go to school I put my backpack in the back seat and take out my wallet so when I get to school I can get to my parking card easily. Well there wasn't a lot of traffic for some reason that morning and I got there early. So I decided to take a ten min nap in my car. Then I went to Chemistry. When I get to Psych I start to take out my wallet so that I can get my ASU id number off my ASU ID. Well, it wasn't there! You have to have it to turn in your test at the end of class. I was freaking out. I had forgot to put in my backpack becasue of my nap earlier that day. But guess what? They didn't make enough tests so the TA had to go run and make copies. It is a good thing my class is close to the institute building. So I was able to get my ID before they even started the test. Which I feel like I did ok on, which hopefully is true.

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